About The Village

  • Tuition

    -A $100 non-refundable registration fee and first weeks tuition is due to hold your child’s spot in our program.

    -There is a annual registration fee per family every January to hold your child’s spot for the following school year.

    -Tuition rates vary by classroom placement.

    -Tuition is due 51 out of 52 weeks during our enrollment period, including summer months. Each family will receive one free tuition week during the enrollment period. Your child must remain out of school for the entire week.

    -Tuition is due every Friday for the upcoming week. Tuition payments are made through our app.

    -A 10% discount is applied for the 2nd child enrolled at our Village. The discount will apply to the child with the lowest tuition rate.

  • Sick Policy

    -All children will be sent home if they have anything contagious or have a fever of 100.0 or higher (NH State Regulations). Your child must remain at home until he/she is fever free for a twenty-four-hour period without fever reducing medication.

    -You will be called to retrieve your child if one or more symptoms present while at school. It is at the discretion of the Director/ Owner to decide when/if a child should leave school.

    -You must arrive no later than 30 minutes after being called or you must arrange an alternate pick-up person if you will be longer than the required 30 minutes.

    -No credit will be given for absences due to illness. Tuition must be paid for missed days since we staff the classrooms with your child as part of the ratio.

  • Schedule Policy

    -Your daily schedule must be established at the time of enrollment. It is important to follow your drop-off and pick-up schedule so It Takes a Village can staff accordingly.

    -Drop-off is no later than 8:55am to avoid classroom disruptions. Pick-up time is no later than 5:25pm.

    -A fee will be added to your weekly tuition if you drop off or pick up after your child’s scheduled time.

  • General Information

    -Our Village is a NUT FREE school.

    -Each child should have their own lunchbox that is labeled with their name. Snacks and lunches are NOT provided. However, lunches can be heated up in the microwave. Please prepare your child’s food the way you would like them to eat it.

    -A crib sheet and blanket must be provided and kept in the backpack for rest time. It Takes a village will provide a mat for each child. Every Friday, the crib sheet and blanket will need to go home to be washed.

    -Extra clothes must be provided for your child inside their backpack and left at school. Soiled clothes will be sent home on the same day the clothes were changed.

    -All clothes must be labeled with your child’s name. It Takes a Village will not be responsible for clothing that is not labeled.

    -Please don’t bring toys from home other than your child’s blanket or stuffy for nap.

  • Himama

    Our Village uses a fun app called Himama! Himama is a one-in-all childcare app. The teachers are able to notify you when your child has a diaper change, uses the bathroom, mealtimes, nap, activities and more!

  • School Calendar

    First Day of School for the 2023-2024 school year:

    Tuesday, September 5th

    Our Village will be closed:


    -Sept. 4th: Labor Day

    -Nov. 23rd & 24th: Thanksgiving

    -Dec. 25th & 26th: Christmas


    -Jan. 1st: New Years

    -Jan. 15th: MLK Day

    -May 27th: Memorial Day

    -July 4th &5th: 4th of July

    -Aug. 29th & 30th: Professional Development Days

  • School Calendar

    Our Village will close at 3pm on:


    -Nov. 22nd

    -Dec. 22nd


    -July 3rd

    -Aug. 28th

  • Fun Events Each Year

    -Picture Day

    -Trunk or Treat

    -Holiday Parties

    -Spring Fling

    -Wet & Wild Summer Program

    -In-house field trips

    -Open House

    -Pre-K Graduation

  • Pizza Friday!

    -Every Friday is Pizza Day

    -Pizza Friday includes pizza, juice and a yummy snack.

    -$3.00 per child each week